Eindhoven Air Base is the home base of all the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s transport aircraft. Their most important task is the provision of military air transport for worldwide military operations, humanitarian missions and special assignments. In addition, air force personnel are tasked with airport duties at Eindhoven Airport day and night.
The Royal Netherlands Air Force operates various types of transport aircraft to carry personnel and goods from Eindhoven Air Base:
-KDC-10: a tanker aircraft which can refuel other aircraft in flight.
- C-130: can also land on unsealed landing strips;
- Gulfstream IV: for senior officials, command & control, inspections and coordination.
On 01 March 2021, Major General Andreas Schick, Commander EATC, attended the inauguration of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) at Eindhoven airbase. This newly created command is the hub for military air transport and EATC commands and controls all the Dutch transportation assets that are stationed with the AMC. The AMC also hosts EATC’s headquarters on its premises, as well as the Movement Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE) and the Multinational MRTT Unit.
The full fleet will consist of nine Multi-role tanker transport aircraft able to provide strategic transport, air-to-air refuelling and medical evacuation capabilities to its six participating nations (Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Norway).
The aircraft are owned by NATO and managed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)

Between September the 6th and the 17th excercise Falcon Leap 2021 took place from Eindhoven Air Base. During this international dropping excercise, participated by aircraft from the US, Poland, Italy, Germany and The Netherlands, cargo and over 1000 paratroopers were dropped above several dropping area's in The Netherlands and the northern part of Belgium.